I work with words.
Do you want children?
Does not want children
About Me
The successful applicant will have lifelong experience in laughter (both causing it and joining in) and love (causing, making, sharing) and will live a life that's a successful combination of the two. In return, he will get a woman who's more happy than sad, more calm than dramatic, more quiet than loud, much more optimistic than pessimistic, more introspective than extroverted, more reflective than impulsive, more indoor than outdoor, more dresses than pants, more sensual than standoffish, more cerebral than physical, more poetry than nonfiction, more sturdy than willowy, more affectionate than distant, more city than country, more sweet dream than nightmare, more than less. Applicants from outside of San Diego County or its immediate periphery will be considered ONLY if moving to the area soon. Strong communication skills are a must for this position, as is a preference for touching tenderly and being touched. Ideal candidates will demonstrate a mutual attraction that includes mental and emotional aspects as well as physical. Promotion possibilities exist for those interested in being best friends as well as lovers, someone you can hardly wait to see or talk to or kiss, even after years together, and who feels the same way about you.
If the word "kinky" describes you in any way other than your hair, please apply elsewhere.
First Date
My idea of the perfect first date: So much laughter that we leave with our cheeks hurting! A good meal at a nice restaurant makes a fine complement to that, as does a mutual attraction that extends to more than the physical.
Mail Settings (To message msflis you MUST meet the following criteria.)
Age between 35 and 55
Live in United States
Live within 75 miles.
Must not have messaged users looking for intimate encounters or sex.
Must not be looking for Hang Out
Must not be looking for Short-Term
Must not be looking for Talk/E-mail
Must not be looking for Photo Exchange
Must not be looking for Other Relationship
Must not be looking for Friendship
Must not be looking for Intimate Encounter
Must not be looking for Activity Partner
Must not do drugs
Must not be married
Must not smoke
msflis Appears on 6 members favorites lists and has 2 roses that can be sent.