Do you want children?
I am an artist by night a Buisness man by day and a full time daddy: | | |
About Me
Okay I won't promise you the world or feed you all the crap that every other guy here writes to you. Plane and simple these are the facts about who I am and what my life consists of at the present moment:) I have three children, I can't spell for the life of me:) and I was forced into becoming a single daddy. I have been alone with alot of time to think and realize what is important in my now, i am ready to date and have fun again. I am a very deversified and Optamistic person. I do not pass judgement onto others as we are all responsible for our own destinies. I am creative in more than one way and don't forget I am an artist of life.Sorry i do happened to be Deep, but don't let this intiminate you. I do posses somewhat of an eduction along with a good sense of humor! If yopu are a go luck\y happy chick that enjoys to laugh and share a funny moment, then I am the guy that will finish the night by placing a cute smile on your face:)and yes the chicks say that I am a good friend because I care to listen:)
First Date
Well being that I am very artistic and a HOPELESS romantic....I would allow myself to express my unique attention to that special someone.OFCOURSE, BY THE TIME WE WOULD EVER GET TO THAT POINT, I feel that we both would probally have many hours of good conversation under our belts, so I wouldnt feel as we had to break the "Ice" on our first night out as friends or as our 1st date....oh And if it was A date, I would make sure to remeber the date...being that it would be the day of our future Annerversary:)
Danielpaul Appears on 0 members favorites lists and has 2 roses that can be sent.