Do you drink?
Prefer Not To Say
does it matter?
Do you want children?
Do you do drugs?
Prefer Not To Say
About Me
I'm a little different than most guys. I don't like to watch or play sports, I'm not competitive, I rarely get lost, but if I do, I just stop and ask for directions. I like spending time outdoors, but not hunting or fishing. I do appreciate really good beer, but not very often. I'm not career oriented. I have a good job, but I don't think that is important. I'm quiet, affectionate, and considerate.
Velella is a little sea creature whose common name is "By the wind Sailor". I've only seen them once, a long time ago, washed up on a beach. Like Vellela, I spend a lot of time near the ocean and I like sailing.
My interests are mainly in the outdoors direction including sailing, kayaking, camping, etc. I have done a fair amount of travelling to Europe, Africa, and India. I'm not a big fan of bars or night clubs, but I occasionally attend some pretty amazing parties. I'm a vegetarian, but not fanatical about it. I have an amazing cat, but I like dogs too and most animals (although my cat doesn't). I don't own a TV and I spend a lot of time reading (which isn't the best way to meet people).
So, I guess the big question is, if I'm such damn interesting person, what am I doing at an on-line dating site? It's mainly because I am not an out-going person, especially in large groups. On top of that, most of the things I do are not ideal for meeting people my own age let alone women. Since I got my sailboat I have met a lot of really nice middle aged or retired men, but unfortunately I'm not gay. For some reason, most of my friends live in other cities so that when I do do something social, by some strange coincidence I meet mostly people who live in other cities, which so far isn't working out as well as I would like.
Anyway, if you have any questions, just ask, don't read between the lines. For example "prefer not to say" doesn't mean I'm an alcoholic or drug addict. We could have a pretty interesting conversation about drugs (which includes alcohol). If you prefer to exclude me from sending you a message because I won't swear that I have never done drugs, that's fine. I'm sure you really didn't inhale.
Aparently people with photos get more attention. I've tried photos of my sailboat or velella, but they got deleted. I'll try a close up and see if that gets deleted as well. I'm kind of shy and I've already recognized several people I know from real life here. Although I don't think any less of them for seeing them here, I have decided to remain in disguise. I would like to say that looks don't matter, but I always look at other people's photos, so I have other photos that I can send people (none that I wouldn't show my mom).
First Date
It depends on the person, time of year, etc. It could be as simple as coffee or something outdoors if the weather is nice like hiking, sailing or kayaking. I am nervous around women that I am interested and a first date is more likely to go well if I don't think it is a date, just something fun to do. I don't really think of myself as ever having dated, but one day I was with some friends when the women started talking about strangest thing a guy ever brought them on a date. I thought the funniest was a sack of rice until my then girlfriend said "a whole frozen tuna". All I could say was "hey, that was me ... but that wasn't a date". I'm not sure where I was going with that. Don't expect me to bring you a tuna.
Mail Settings (To message velella you MUST meet the following criteria.)
Live within 75 miles.
Must not be looking for Short-Term
Must not be looking for Talk/E-mail
Must not be married
velella Appears on 5 members favorites lists and has 2 roses that can be sent.