I love challenging myself and others, I love making people laugh,I love being in the middle of drama. I love..... tickling, talking gibberish, screaming in the car, all with my younger daughter, pillow fights, water fights, black cherry ice-cream, laser tag(don't mess with me), the outdoors(hiking, camping, fishing, snorkeling) travelling (Europe, Mexico, Asia so far) art (I paint and sculpt (wannabe)) music (CKUA is my favorite radio station),working in my yard (flowers, rock sculpture and trees(master slug killer)). I'm adventuresome, sometimes silly, happy, hungry, healthy and (WARNING) I go extremely, insanely, violent when tickled (my strong powerful body takes over and does that which is necessary to survive).
I'm looking for someone who is fun loving, adventuresome, witty, a bit crazy, smart, open, filthy rich (or just filthy),full of fire and ice. nothing else matters (except ethics and honor). (Bonus) If you can cry when something touches you or are okay if I do (often).
CANADA...I love you.
EARTH... I love you even more and I worry for you.. I view myself as responsible for you
I've two girls,the older one is an artist .. She’s just begun.. Dam she’s good.. Dam is I proud...Did I tell you she's an artist?.. I had some of her work posted but the new rules...Oh well. She's about to get married ( the lad works for me and is a long time friend...I could so abuse my power... ) The younger one is art, I love that little drama queen! extroverted, dramatic, funny and yet, sensitive. They provide the joy in my life. I am a lucky man.
Three years at the local mental institution.
Actually I really want to find someone special, but my failure in my last marriage saddens me.( Yeah I know it wasn't just me). However I think I'm ready(it's been four years)
I am an excellent communicator( sometimes I even listen) Being somewhat of an artist I am highly visual. I believe that at least fifty percent of communication is through the eyes and a good portion of the rest is through the ears. As of this moment I have yet to really express myself on the net. This is difficult. Looking in ones own head can be challenging...UPDATE. I've since heard feedback saying the opposite, I never figured!
My house, my yard, my barge ...all unique..
I can also talk !(Feedback says quite a bit)
I try, I'm simple, love fish, meats, Me and Mister Kraft are on a first name basis. I possess the world's pre-eminent recipe for Oestifigurydig, will trade for copulation!
A very evil thing, best challenged with two people, or tendered out, But when done leaves me with a good feeling, and some pride.
HUMOR Ooooh yes, more please!
INTIMACY Yes I sure do miss that!
Love is so powerful that it's scary! I find it to be the most wonderful state of mind, yet at the same time, it questions the way I do things, my belief system, my flexibility, my self-image. The color of the world around me changes....and that's just day one... I very much need to go slow!........I just stole this...
" One must work like they don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobody's watching."....I like it, I'm
going there.
Easy-come easy go!(printing press in basement)
The last few years of the Liberal "regime" pis.... irritated me no end. They became arrogant and deserved the boot. I think Stephen Harper is scary. The election photo shoot of him shaking his son's hand while dropping him of at school says it all. Dam Liberals...I'm still a liberal.
My favorite sport is Bush bashing , but enough, I'm not really political.THIS IS BEING UPDATED
Fundamentally I feel strongly about isms, Racism ,Sexism etc If you support an ism you won't like me. NOTE! I HAVE BEEN NAILED ON THIS AND WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE TO FEMINISTS, ALTRUISTS ETC. It's certain religions and other groups that promote, hatred, intolerance, superiority, violence,etc. that I had in mind. I sometimes shoot myself in the foot, ouch !Yes, I have been passionatly wrong
OCT 29 Today is a good day. I helped shut down a racist forum.
Romance is what keeps love alive. It's the small things that occur between two people that create a bond. This bond is a source of peace, awe, strength and much more. It makes the spirit glow! It causes all those stupid love songs to suddenly make sense. See www.silly poetry.com
I understand it exceedingly well. I get a half dozen science magazines a month. Don't get me started!
I'm lucky to have a job that is both challenging and rewarding. It is a deep well( sometimes it's dark at the bottom) that nurtures my spirit with a variety of experiences. I get to be creative and to do it my way. I get to interact with many people from all walks of life, both tradespeople and professionals. This has taught me both humility and compassion. The downside is lack of peer review, an overemphasis on building things and the absence of the better half.
I'm a strong atheist. The world is beautiful enough without mythology. All things can be explained without mythology. Life's meaning comes from within. I must be true to myself. So to a few of you, goodbye and good will fishing. (luck=myth=gods=orbiting teacups)
The small protruding part of the deck is in the midst of trees. When under lit by a 1000 watt moon beam at night it is the most tranquil of settings. I've given some thought to this and have come to the conclusion that this safety in height is a genetic memory of when we still swung from the branches. The forest below is dark and foreboding. Our elevated sanctuary is well lit around the exterior but beyond the reach of predators. Because lighting does not flood the deck part, we are invisible to the night creatures. This tranquility could also come from the human desire to be surrounded by things of beauty...The flying squirrel who has attacked me three times for trespassing into his/her space does not agree with this theory.
the clock is stopped July 1st...good-bye TITCH
EX MOTHER IN LAW...Hi nana so you have finally arrived. See I told you I was a good boy. If you have read this and E-mail me the code words (Et tu Brute?) I will BBQ a steak for you on the barge. In the meantime have fun. Don’t return calls from AntiquatedGary, SlipperySam, Derrick007, LustyLarry, JogginJoe, and Spiderman…They are just after your body
And don't go to the forum "New TWISTER with Alphabet Letters" msg 313 page 13 unless you wish to blush
I'd do an imitation of ...slightly apprehensive... other than that, anything!
Second and third dates we would LiPSH&scHmAc/foRne^KatE+thuK and then *shlip%Da
sTIck#iNHoR~nYToAd but it would it would be much too early for Oestifigurydig, you think?
On the fourth date I would like to take you out on my barge during a full moon night on the lake (thirty minutes from the city). We could listen to the ducks talking and watch the gentle play of monochromatic moonlight on the ever present ripples. This would only be broken by the questioning slap of a beaver tail. You would look at me and I would fall into your eyes, hopelessly lost. UPDATE: THE RIPPLES SEEM TO BE FROZEN AT THE MOMENT, THE DUCKS HAVE FLED THE SCENE, AND I'M MORE LIKELY TO FALL INTO AN OPEN FISHING HOLE. I'M ALSO THINKING ABOUT FOLLOWING THE DUCKS... PLEASE SPRING...COME EARLY
The barge is real, comes with washroom, chairs, table, candles and wine. Very sturdy, Very hippy(not to be mistaken with hip), very safe (holds ten). Wish you were here!
The fifth date would be camping on the barge BUT the barge would be located in the eye of a level six hurricane.(gravity dampers and force fields on high).(JUST FOLLOWING THE DUCKS)
On the sixth date we would exchange stories in the hospital (force fields failed).
On the seventh date we would exchange vows.
On the eighth date we would be committed.
On the ninth date you would shoot me.
May I have one foot in heaven before the devil finds me dead!
My new favorite poem
I will not live an unlived life
I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire
I choose to inhabit my days
To allow my living to open me
To make me less afraid
More accessible, to loosen my heart
Until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance
To live so that which came to me as a seed
Goes to the next as blossom, goes on as fruit.
(Dawna Markova)